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Create Child screen


Please record your child's sex at birth.

Some secondary schools in Hertfordshire are single sex schools, which have historically provided education for either male or female pupils. Current DfE definitions for single sex schools do not account for children whose gender does not match their biological sex or who identify alternatively. As a result, the online application system will only present mixed and girls schools when the female sex option is selected and mixed and boys schools where the male sex option is selected. Parents/carers of transgender and non-binary gender children who wish to apply for a single sex school that caters for children of the opposite sex at birth are advised to discuss with the school before making an application.


Your own (parent/carer) address is automatically used as the child's address. If your child lives at a different address can change this when creating your child's account.

Your child's permanent address is the address we use to process your application so it is very important it is correct. The address must be where the child is living at the time you make the application and it must also be in Hertfordshire. If your child does not live in Hertfordshire, you will not be able to continue with the application.

Application Details screen

Current School

You are asked to select your child's current school from the list. If your child's current school is not in Hertfordshire, you will need to search for the relevant County/LA in the Local Authority box, select it, and then search for the school in the School search box.

If a school is not listed please search for * to be presented with the following further options:
- Educated abroad
- Home educated
- Independent school
- Not in education
- School not in list

Please select the relevant option and the Admissions & Transport team will contact you after the close of applications for further information.

Is the Child currently in care, or has the Child previously been in care? question

This rule applies to children looked after and also children who were looked after but who are now adopted, or with a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.

If your child is or was previously looked after, i.e. in care to social services, you should search for the Local Authority in which this is or was the case. You must upload professional supporting evidence such as a letter from the child's social worker, advisory teacher or other relevant professional in order for your application to be considered under this rule. There is an option to attach supporting documents at the bottom of the Applicant Details page.

Alternatively, you can send the supporting evidence to the Admissions & Transport Team.

Does the Child have a current Education, Health & Care Plan? question

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that names a school, you should select Yes to this question.
An Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan is a legal document which sets out any additional support required to meet the special education needs of the child or young person.

Is the Child part of a multiple birth? question

If you are applying for more than one child in the same year group, you should select yes to this question. You must make an individual application for each child. If a twin/multiple birth is offered the last place available at a school and you have applied for the same school for the other child(ren), we will try to offer a place to the other child or children.

Is the Child's parent/guardian a Crown Servant? question

For children of UK service personnel and crown servants (and military families resident in countries with a Memorandum of Understanding with the UK) we will allocate a place in advance of the family arriving in the area provided the application is accompanied by an official letter that declares a relocation date and a unit postal address or quartering area address in Hertfordshire, for consideration of the application against oversubscription criteria. If the family already has an established alternative private address, that address will be used for admission purposes.

We will also consider applications, and offer families a place in advance, if the application is accompanied by an official letter that declares a relocation date but does not provide a quartering or unit address because the family will be residing in private accommodation. In these cases, if the family does not already have a permanent private address in Hertfordshire the military base or alternative 'work' address in Hertfordshire will be used for allocation purposes, as long as the family provide evidence of the address and that the child will be living there.

Evidence must be submitted at the time of application, by email to

Select your preferences screen

Your school choices

You must apply for at least one school but we strongly recommend that you make the maximum number of preferences. The online system will not allow you to apply for the same school more than once.

You have the option of a simple search, by typing a full or partial school name into the search box, or an Advances search, which will allow you to select some filters for your search.

If you want to apply for a school outside of Hertfordshire, you will need to click on Advanced Search choose the relevant County/LA.

Only schools that have a valid entry/transfer year group for the type of application you are making will appear in the drop down menu. If you cannot see a school in the list, it is likely that they do not have an entry/transfer year group for the application you are making. For example, primary schools will not appear in the list of schools to apply for when making a junior application. If you believe a school should be in the list, please contact the Customer Service Centre.

Supplementary information form (SIF)

If you are applying to a voluntary-aided, foundation school or academy that does not use Hertfordshire's determined admission rules you may also need to complete the schools own supplementary information form (SIF).

Please check the schools entry on the School Directory, or with the school to find out if they require a completed SIF.

Preference Reasons screen

Social/medical claim

If your child has exceptional medical or social needs, you can select/tick this reason in the list presented below the school. You will only be able to make a social/medical claim for one school. You must submit evidence to support your application, this can be done on the Preference Reasons screen, or by sending it directly to the Admission and Transport team.

If you want to submit a social/medical claim for a voluntary aided, foundation or an academy; you may need to send the information to the school directly.

More information about social/medical claims is available at

Sibling claim

If your child has a sibling already attending the school, or the linked school (if you are applying for an infant or junior school) you should select/tick this reason in the list presented below the school.

For applications to schools using Hertfordshire's determined admission rules, a sibling is defined as: a brother, sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, child of the parent/carer or partner or a child looked after or previously looked after and in every case living permanently in a placement within the home as part of the family household.

If you are applying for a voluntary aided, foundation school or academy; they may have a different sibling definition. Please check the rules of each individual school.

Children of staff claim

If you are applying for a voluntary aided, foundation school or academy that includes a Children of Staff rule in their determined admissions arrangements for 2023 you can select/tick this reason in the list presented below the school.

Only schools that include this rule in their arrangements will allow the option to be selected.

You can check if a school allowed Children of Staff by viewing the schools admission arrangements found on the schools website, or via the School Directory.

Upcoming deadlines

Upcoming deadlines:

31/10/2022 - Last date to apply for an on time school place.

02/12/2022 - Last date to provide reasons why your application was late, evidence of a house move or to support a social/medical application

For further important dates click here.