A date of birth between 01/09/2011 and 31/08/2012 is considered to be in the correct chronological year for making an application for September 2023.
A date of birth between 01/04/2011 and 31/08/2011 is considered to be a summer born application. If your child is summer born and is chronologically Year 7 but currently being educated in Year 6, please complete and submit your application to apply for a secondary school place to start in September 2023.
However, parents should be aware that the School Admissions Code states that the decision to admit a summer born child a year late remains a matter for the admission authority of individual schools. Therefore, following the close of applications on 31 October 2022, own admitting authority schools will be contacted and asked to confirm whether they will process your application for the September 2023 intake. We will contact you to confirm the decision of each school.